Assessment 3: Online Portfolio
Yingying Yang (n10080112)

Project Overview

Dear Diary, is a three episode web series featured on the online platform YouTube. The target audience is females aged 15 - 25. It will include three young creative writers from the online blog Diary of Femme. Dear Diary will manifest a themed web series looking at the coming of age. These writers will provide insights on topics they think will benefit others, in the form of original poems, stories and diaries. These voices will be Shared in the form of short films or interviews.

Goals and Deliverables 

"Something toward which work is to be directed, a strategic position to be attained, a purpose to be achieved, a result to be obtained, a product to be produced, or a service to be performed (PMBOK, 2013)", that is a project goal. It will provide a free platform for creative people to share their skills and knowledge where creative freedom is encouraged. In the current Entertainment Industries and Creative Industries, it is difficult for creatives to get initial publication on works. Therefore, Dear Diary aims to provide a mature platform for creative people to ensure exposure and encourage them to pursue their desires.
For deliverables, we got the project approval by QUT at first. And we need to creat social media accounts before 22th of September so that we can start marketing, and borrow video camera before 23th, the last video need to be published on 18th of Octorber to ensure that our project plan is completed before the submission date. 


After the end of this project, we achieved the goal set at the beginning, but the effect was not very good. The main goal of the Dear diary project is for netizens who love to use social media apps, so we created Instagram and YouTube accounts to promote marketing and facilitate public attention. On October 27th, we uploaded the final episode of our series. However, due to the lack of publicity and marketing, we did not receive more and better comments and feedback, and the number of followers and attention was not enough. In this one month project project preparation and implementation, we have benefited a lot and are full of fun.​​​​​​​
                                                       We are doing the DIY
                       Discussing when to have a group meeting and film the DIY part
Dear Diary

Dear Diary
